Asbestos refers to naturally occurring substances, which are made up of tiny fibers. It had several characteristics, which made it ideal for use in industries however, it was banned after it was discovered that this material could lead to several health problems, such as lung cancer.
Prior to getting banned, asbestos was also commonly used in construction of homes. In fact, you might not realize this but certain parts of your home might still consist of traces of this substance. Take a look at some of these places:
Home Exterior
You might find traces of asbestos in your home exteriors. This includes cement roofing, sliding as well as shingles. The thing about asbestos is that it’s harmless as long as you don’t interfere with it.
However, if it is cut or sawed, it would release asbestos dust in the environment. Inhaling these fibers can lead to health problems like lung cancer because of which it’s important that you avoid buying homes which have asbestos in the exteriors.
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